The relevance and challenges of family-run farms in sustainable regional development
University of Almería, 29th and 30th May
As 2014 has been designated International Year of Family Farming, AIAF-2014, by United Nations , UN, it seems appropriate that we should pool our efforts in order to put family farming back at the heart of agricultural, environmental and social policies, while at the same time identifying existing shortcomings and promoting change towards more balanced and equitable development.
From this perspective, this conference is presented at the University of Almería as an international forum in which the academic community can share and discuss academic research works with a view to disseminating their results to society as a whole.
Conceived as a multi-disciplinary event, it will consider the socal, economic and environmental issues that make up the holistic picture of sustainability. As such it is intended as a means of informing the general public of the relevance of family farming in rural and regional development, and of the challenges this type of agriculture faces.
This forum will undoubtedly enhance the dissemination of the most relevant studies and research on this topic, while also encouraging interaction among the main agents involved in the sustainable development of our region.